About Me

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30 something "single mom", wondering how I got here. Love my kids,forgot how to love myself. Working on that though. Follow me as I search for the things that will allow me to be a mom by day, and a diva by night! You know you wanna find your inner rockstar!!! xoxo-Cat

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I haven't "left the building"

Sheesh-where has the time gone! It seems like just yesterday I posted on this blog. Looking back to almost a year ago-wow has it been a year since I posted??? I suck!

Happy to report that I still haven't gained back all that weight, holding steady at 75 lbs lost. I am struggling daily to keep focused, and not ready to give up the fight. That's the important thing to me. I feel so much better without all that junk clogging me up, no extra baggage...

That being said, I wanted to give a shout out for those dang, dorky fitness shoes that all us "part time" fitness peeps seem to sport where ever we go. I LOVE these things! I have muscles in my calves-DID YOU HEAR THAT???? Seriously!!! Lookin kinda sexy back there-and no more butt bouncing in the car seat for me! That is a major accomplishment. Also loving those fabulous Vitalicious muffins and cakes. They are so good!
Divas, if you love chocolate, and think those tiny little "calorie packs" can take a flying leap-then these muffins are for you! Check em out-