About Me

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30 something "single mom", wondering how I got here. Love my kids,forgot how to love myself. Working on that though. Follow me as I search for the things that will allow me to be a mom by day, and a diva by night! You know you wanna find your inner rockstar!!! xoxo-Cat

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Where has my inner rockstar gone?

First off-Hi everyone! I'm Cat-36 year old mom of 4 amazing daughters.

Isn't it funny how we always introduce ourselves that way? I never used to say,"Hi- I'm Cat, a 20 year old hottie with the coolest new tattoo...wanna see?"
It's bizarre how things have changed. Flashback to my pre"mom" days-I would spend hours working on the perfect hair, the freshest makeup, the hottest clothes, and the sparkliest jewelry-just to check the mail.
Now- I am lucky to be able to fit into jeans that don't hit me just below the armpits, and hair that you can see underneath the everpresent ball cap or pony tail. Okay, maybe its not that bad most days! But, it is how I feel about the amount of time I get to put into me. When I do get the chance to "fix-er upper", I don't really feel like spending 15 minutes-let alone hours! So,on that note, enjoy the first panic driven entry into my quest for rediscovering me...

As I am standing waist deep in the cesspool of my bathroom,scrubbing the toilet for the millionth time-I have an epiphany this morning! Where the hell is my rock star??????

I know she is in there somewhere! This started with me finding my old high school senior book. I realized that I sounded so cool and hot-all at the same time! I was going places(yeah right to the bathroom to scrub the toilet, then on to the laundry to scrub the underwear-Can you say GLAMOROUS?)!!!!

I was sooo cute, and ready to take on the world and life! Cut to 18 years later, and I am taking on life one diaper change at a time!!! Even though I love my kids more than I thought it was possible to love another human being-I don't want them to define who I am! They will leave and never look back-until they have their own kids.

I want to be the hot chick-at least one more time in my life, I want people to look at me, and be surprised when I say that I have 4 kids! I want to be adored by millions!!!!! I want to feel like the rock star I know is in here somewhere!!!!

Well-that is enough self pity, back to reality! Gotta go break up the latest squabble, before there is bloodshed!!! But,for one more second...I wanna Rock!(insert air guitar solo here)